Cilantro Breakfast Menu Prices in Philippines

Cilantro Breakfast menu has menu items like American Breakfast, Filipino Breakfast, Breakfast Burrito, Dirty Breakfast, Pancake/waffles, Fried Eggs, Plain Omelette, Vegetable Omelette, Ham & Cheese Omelette, Extra Bacon, Cornfiakes With Fresh Milk, Plain Bread, Wheet Bread and Garlic Bread in Philippines.


Frequently asked questions

What are the Cilantro menu prices near me?
Cilantro has menu item prices between ₱60 and ₱795. Menu items range from lowest priced item Chilled Orange Juice to highest priced item Pata Bawang.
The price range of the menu of Cilantro at the store generally varies between:
  • ₱60 - ₱795
What is Cilantro Philippines Website Link?
Cilantro Philippines official website is