Landers Central Pizza Menu Prices in Philippines

Landers Central Pizza menu has menu items like N.Y. Cheese Deluxe Pizza, Bronx Pepperoni Pizza, N.Y. Smoked Bacon Mushroom Pizza, Half N.Y. Cheese / Pepperoni, Half N.Y. Cheese / Bacon Mushroom, Half Bacon Mushroom / Pepperoni, Brooklyn Bomber Pizza, Garlic Four Cheese Pizza, N.Y. Cheese Deluxe Slice w/ Drink, Bronx Pepperoni Pizza Slice w/ Drink, Brooklyn Bomber Slice Pizza w/ Drink, N.Y. Smoked Bacon Mushroom Slice Pizza w/ Drink, Garlic Four Cheese Pizza Slice w/ Drink, Whole Manhattan Supreme Pizza, Manhattan Supreme Pizza Slice w/ Drink, Creamy Shrimp Pesto Pizza, Creamy Shrimp Pesto Pizza Slice w/ Drink and Margherita Pizza in Philippines.


Frequently asked questions

What are the Landers Central menu prices near me?
Landers Central has menu item prices between ₱12 and ₱874. Menu items range from lowest priced item Gravy 2oz to highest priced item Margherita Pizza.
The price range of the menu of Landers Central at the store generally varies between:
  • ₱12 - ₱874
What is Landers Central Philippines Website Link?
Landers Central Philippines official website is